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작성자제로보이 조회 80회 작성일 2020-12-04 20:42:23 댓글 0


유튜브 닉네임 바꾸는 방법

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윈도우10 사용자 계정 이름 변경하는 방법

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유튜브 채널 이름 거꾸로 바꾸기 유튜브채널 이름 바꾸기 꿀팁 #083 [초보유튜버 유튜브팁]

#유튜브꿀팁 #초보유튜버 #

*채널 구독하기 : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjbCybPAfU5Oh-QHkCg5AwA?view_as=subscriber

유튜브 꿀팁 83번째

유튜브 채널 이름 거꾸로 바꾸기 유튜브채널 이름 바꾸기




3.Song : 이혜린 - Tongtong
자료출처 : https://gongu.copyright.or.kr
Music promoted by DayDreamSound :

CC-BY 3.0 https://goo.gl/Y8U8b9

4.No Way 2 - PeriTune https://soundcloud.com/sei_peridot
Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0)
Music promoted by 무료음원 라이브러리 https://goo.gl/EMEefC

5.Track : Confusing Road
Music by 브금대통령
Music provided by 브금대통령
Watch :

-When you are using this track, we simply ask that you put this in your description-

Track : Confusing Road
Music provided by Bgm President
Watch :

Track : Baby Swing
Music by 브금대통령
Music provided by 브금대통령
Watch :

-When you are using this track, we simply ask that you put this in your description-

Track : Baby Swing
Music provided by Bgm President
Watch :

7.Song : NICOLAI HEIDLAS - Golden Alley
MUSIC by Nicolai Heidlas , https://www.hooksounds.com
Music Promoted by DayDreamSound

8.Song : Alex Nekita - Child's play
Follow Artist : https://soundcloud.com/alexnekita
Music promoted by DayDreamSound :

Song : Nekzlo - Stories
Follow Artist : https://soundcloud.com/nekzlo
Music promoted by DayDreamSound :

Track : Sinskull - Summer Party
Music by Sinskull , http://bit.ly/2Oda6v8
Follow Instagram : Jungss00
Music Promoted by DayDreamSound

Song : Peyruis - Palm Beach
Follow Artist : https://soundcloud.com/peyruis
Music promoted by DayDreamSound :

-------------------------------------Copy End-------------------------------------

1.카메라 : 갤럭시노트8

2.삼각대 : 스마트폰 홀더 삼각대 연장봉

3.알리발 볼헤드 2천원대


5.핀 마이크 : 에이포트 스마트폰 방송용 콘덴서 핀마이크 AP211

6. 녹음기 마이크 : Sony ICD-TX650: https://qoo.tn/Ado5IQ/Q111301139

7. 조명 : 알라딘 랜턴

8.스마트폰짐벌 : 지윤텍 스무스 Q




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